Thursday, April 7, 2011

Melons and More Cinderblocks

Saturday was another VERY busy gardening day. On Friday night Mr. Dirty Feet and I drove out to Justin (about 30 minutes away) to pick up more cinderblocks for the wonderful low price of 60 cents each. We nabbed 84 blocks total and made it back to town for games.
Saturday afternoon Dirty Feet and I unloaded all the cinderblocks then took off to the City of Denton dump grounds for MORE dyno dirt (the old man that runs the booth is starting to recognize us).

Going to get Dyno Dirt is always fun until you get home and the shoveling starts. Luckily we had help shoveling again, my best friend's husband came by to get all sweaty and filthy with us. He and I emptied out the first truck load while Dirty Feet started digging out roots along the North fenceline where we had decided to put the second raised bed.

His root digging got interupted because the bestie's husband and I had the truck cleaned out in record time and the three of us had just enough time to make a mad dash back up to Dyno Dirt for another load before they closed at 3. Here is a video so you can see how the dirt is loaded :)

We returned from our excursion and got back to work on unloading yet another bed of rich, wonderful Dyno Lite Blend. Midway through Arab the Tree Climber came to lend another helping hand.

We unloaded all of the second load onto a tarp, removed all the giant roots, and got EVEN MORE of those darn Irises pulled up then all of us got to work moving rocks to the other side of the yard for our (slightly) raised melon bed. Under the rocks we found some really beautiful spiders (the pictures don't even do them justice). They were almost the color of merlot with white spots. We left the egg sacs and mommy spiders alone so they could help with pest control this spring. We had to call Saturday an early day for gardening due to our evening plans but in summary: we have a fully lined (but not yet filled) melon bed, the cinderblocks are almost in place for the second raised bed, and two cubic yards of dirt are sitting in the back yard waiting to go in both of the beds. We wouldn't be nearly as efficient without our stinky help, Arab the Tree Climber and the Bestie's hubby.... who has yet to create his stinky farmer name. Great work boys!

1 comment:

  1. That's my man! You could always call him Filthy Nerd. Speaking of, last Thursday I made him a coffee mug at Time to Kiln for his birthday. It's shaped like a plant pot complete with saucer. I painted the words "Gardeners like it dirty" on the side. The handle looks like an inch worm! I'm quite proud of it! I can't wait until it gets fired and you can see it!
