Saturday, January 5, 2013

aquaponic adventure

We started construction on the aquaponics greenhouse this evening. Barely took any time at all to get the walls cut and pieced together thanks to the engineering mastermind Mr. Dirty Feet. When it's all finished it will be 24 feet by 10 feet and will house two 325 gallon tilapia tanks that feed hydroponic grow beds. We can't wait to start gluing and getting the roof put together. After we get it all set, we'll get the measurements down for greenhouse construction plastic. We're so excited that we'll soon have fresh fish and veggies at our fingertips!

All of today's building materials lined up and ready to go!

Dirty feet making cuts to the PVC. Never mind the fact his wife was telling him to put on safety goggles.

The walls going in. They're all wobbly without their tops!
The view from what will be the front door. We have to order more parts to put in our arched top. 

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