Monday, June 11, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Growing season is in full swing and I must say Dirty Feet has done most of the work this year with the edibles. Check out some of the greatness he's pulled off:

Bell Peppers are growing like weeds. They're delicious too!

Baby watermelons are starting to form on some of the vines.


Squash plants get bigger every day but as you can tell on the picture on the right, something has been eating our babies! Any ideas on what it might be?

Tomatillo Plants. Guacasalsa anyone? YUM!

Moon Flowers are starting to bloom like crazy. They're climbing up the Sweet Gum tree where the old Foxglove used to be and growing along the fence line. They are absolutely gorgeous.

This ends today's tour. Check back for more on the progress of the plantlings and adventures into homesteading.


  1. I think that might be squash vine borers on your squash plants. Doesn't seem to have affected your plants much though! The garden looks awesome!

    1. Thanks! What do you recommend against squash borers? We dusted the plants with diatomaceous after we discovered that. Would the borers affect melons as well?

  2. Also, I am hella jealous of your tomatillos!! mine all died :(

    1. awww we're always willing to share our crop with friends though :)
