Friday, June 15, 2012

Some Thoughts from the Beekeeper

Beekeeping tends to change your perspective on things. Here are a couple I've noticed so far:

When I drive by my neglectful neighbors house and see that his clover filled yard is overgrown and obviously hasn't been mowed in weeks I no longer groan about the eyesore and lowered property values because I see a plethora of close-to-home food for my babies to forage that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides.

When we have a too short winter and amazing spring like this one I practically worship it. The mild temperatures, the rain, the excess of pollen. I no longer curse the pollen for giving me wicked allergy attacks, get pissed about the abundance of pesky bugs, or mope around because I didn't get the cold weather I miss so much. It's perfect honey weather.

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